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The Graces Turn Ten + A Sneak Peek

The Graces Turn Ten + A Sneak Peek

The Graces are ten! (Cue confetti, balloons, and party horns…)

What a milestone. It feels like a lifetime ago and just yesterday at the same time. The Three Graces was published in the summer of 2014 and what a whirlwind that was. Of the best possible kind. I remember the first time I held a copy in my hands. Opening the box, running my hands over its striking cover, my heart overwhelmed. Full of joy and trepidation at the same time. The worry of every writer: What will people think?  But I knew it was a story to be proud of. Young women finding their way in life, discovering love, how they battled their fears and with some magical help, ultimately won. The book launch, the readings in friends’ homes and in bookstores that fall were the best memories of that year.

Seeing how I’ve grown in relationships, friendships, and my career over the years, got me thinking about Jessie, Isabel and Sara. How would I create their lives ten years later? They’d be millennials, thirty somethings with life handing them new challenges with their partners, with their music, art, writing. It’s fun to imagine and every now and then my mind wanders down that road.

But my writing life went a different path from a Graces sequel. One published personal essay, three short stories and one poetry publication later, I land here in 2024 knowing that like a slow growing cedar, as a writer I, too am becoming taller and stronger, my roots deepening and expanding.

As I finish my second novel this year, one imbued with history and the magical realism readers loved in The Graces, fingers crossed it will launch next year.  I count on more best times ahead and hope you’ll be a part of them. Want to know more about what you’ll be seeing hit the bookstores soon? Read on!

Atoms of Memory

In 2014, Siena is finishing her doctoral dissertation as an intern at the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome. And she has a secret: she can step into the world of a painting. When she connects with Sogni by Vittorio Corcos, she’s transported back to 1895, becoming the young woman Caterina, whose life is torn apart by social upheaval and tragedy.

As Siena delves deeper into Caterina’s story, she becomes increasingly drawn to the mysterious man who helped Caterina during her darkest hour. The museum director, sensing Siena’s extraordinary ability, becomes obsessed with uncovering her secret. But is he friend or foe? Or something more?

Can Siena discover the truth behind her connection to Caterina? And will she be able to save both their lives from the dangers that lurk in the past and present?

Corcos, Vittorio

Sogni 1896

Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna

This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. Me too! I helped review The Three Graces as it was written but this time it will be a surprise for me too! Can’t wait….. I know it will be great – sounds so intriguing.

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